Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dreaming Of A Better World For Children

One seldom stumbles into finding his or her purpose in life. Instead, it is often an evolving image or mirage, sometimes twisting, convulsing, and tormentingly moving the person forward toward the fulfillment of their existenence here on this earthly plane. Dreams rarely manifest themselves tangibly if not fueled by a burning desire, or passion. In his book, Walking the Trail, Jerry Ellis speaks to this very idea:

"I love to hear people get excited about their dreams. It's as though their energy comes into my body to feed me and further awaken my own hope. I feel sad for those who never dream, not only because they're in pain but because it makes me hesitant to release my own enthusiasm. For many years I didn't realize why I was uncomfortable around those who have never hungered to turn the bend or explore a new thought. I wondered if I was a freak. Even today, when I meet people who don't get excited about being alive I have to remind myself to have compassion instead of disgust. Sometimes I fail and just don't give a damn. I get far away from those people as quickly as I can. I'm not proud of sometimes being selfish."

What is your dream? The Children's Champion dreams of helping to build a better tomorrow by helping children explore a world full of possibilities today. He is excited! His whole being is ablaze with the passion of making a difference in the life of children!

“There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
You feel it, don’t you?”
— Rumi

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